Deactivated guns, relic guns and obsolete guns from
Awesome Deactivated Guns from WW1, WW2 and post war - all EU/UK legal and certified by either the London or Birmingham Proof House, no license required as long as you are over 18. Check out our range of deactivated guns from the lists below and make sure you check our latest special offers for our real deals. If you can`t find the gun you after, just send us an email as we have lots of guns not shown here as well. Please note, all of our Deactivated Guns conform and are certified to the latest EU/UK regs. We are fielding a lot of questions at the moment regarding deactivated guns and Brexit - alas, no hard facts or details about post Brexit deactivated gun changes, but here at we will update you as soon as we know.
***Militaria Shows - great to catch up with a lot of you at the Stoneleigh Militaria gun show that was early Fevbuary - always a great show as its in a massive heated hall... next show will be at the Historic Dockyards Chatham Militatia gun fair soon, details to follow, catch up there.
We also Buy deactivated guns as well as antique guns and blank firers
If you are thinking of selling your deactivated guns please contact us by clicking here or email for a great deal! ***NOTE - Great news, we can now get replacement deactivated gun certicicates from the Proof House for older deactivated guns (not the case a couple of years ago) so if you`ve lost the cert for your deactivated gun its not the end of the world, we can deal with that at this end***
Latest deactivated Gun news:
There sure is a lot changing in the deactivated gun world at the moment - we are still awaiting the outcome of Brexit to see if we can sell the older UK certified deactiated guns, though we are able to sell old spec deactivations to non EU member states for the time being. As well as deactivated guns, we have a fine selection of obsolete and black powder guns, all live but no license required and have you checked out the epic WW1 and WW2 relic dug up guns - no need to be deactivated as the process of 100 odd years in the ground has seen to that, most have fallen in action and are quite fascinating. Will be bringing you the latest details on deactivated guns as soon as we have them, Dan.

What's your deactivated weapon of choice....
Bolt Action:
Dug up Relics - WW1 and WW2 guns lost in the battlefield:
Obsolete Calibre - live, no license required:
WW2 Sub Machine Guns:
Non EU spec deactivated Guns:
Post WW2 Sub Machine Guns:
Big stuff:
Deactivated Shotguns:
Check our selection of deactivated shotguns from the sections below - also, watch the video here that explains types, features and legalities of deactivated shotguns:

Latest deactivated guns news:
Deactivated Weapons Association - DWA - the UK`s governing body for deactivated guns here in the UK, if your not a member yet then check out some of the details on the Deactivated Weapons Association here
click here for the governing body of deactivated guns in the UK
***Please note - in line with yet another new law, we have to now inform the Home Office of some of the transfer of sale of deactivated guns - this takes the form of a simple email with the purchase details send to Home Office. As ever, it won`t change a thing regarding saftey or security within the UK, but we have to comply with the law change. If you require further details please do send us an email - should you wish to rant about the latest deactivated gun laws, be our guest, remember, tough on crime...
And, as with the above changes to deactivated guns regulations there is now much tighter regulation on sales and shipping of bladed items - though we don`t sell bayonets seperatly from rifles so less of an issue for us but has had an impact on the general gun and militaria industry.
***9mm PAK blank firers legallity change:*** Well this one came out of nowhere - the UK Home Office have just banned the sale of Turkish made imported 9mm PAK blank firers (regular 8mm Bruni type and Westerns are not effected - this only applies to Turkish import brands such as Ekoi and Retay, Deactivated Guns are obviously unnefected). Details are limited at this stage but it seems that because they were made as front venting for EU legality and also top venting for UK legality there has been issues with bad people getting controlled parts shipped over as these top venting guns were legally imported and cleared all customs checks for several years before issues came to light. We continue to sell 8mm semi auto`s but some models such as Browning Hi Powers and Sig 2022 do not have an 8mm equivilant which is a shame. As mentioned, .38/pmm rimmed revolvers are unefected as are 8mm and deactivated guns, so only limited change, will keep you all up to date as we find out more.
How is a real gun deactivated in the UK?
Ok, we all know you can`t have live Uzi 9mm here in the UK, so how do we get our hands on the deactivated ones? Well, they are usually sourced from big arms fairs in Eastern Europe and Germany, purchased in bulk and then brough into the UK via a section 5 firearms dealer (there are not many of these chaps around...), they then go through the process of deactivating them in line with current UK specifications set out by the Home Office. This process varies form gun to gun - revolvers are deactivated differently from a semi-auto, bolt action rifles are done differently from shotguns etc. - you only really know from checking our descriptions. If we look at a WW1 Bristish SMLE bolt action rifle for example, the gun is stripped down to its component parts, the barrel and breach have a long 5mm wide cut made along the underside (covered by the woodwork so it can`t be seen) and a rod of steel is welded in place. The firing pin is removed and the bolt face is cut at angle of 45 degrees - again, you can`t see this unless its stripped down. The deactivated gun is now taken to either the London or Birmingham Proof Houses (only two in the UK) and are checked, stamped and issued with a certificate listing details such as serial number, make, model, barrel length etc. - its then official a deactivated gun and license is required in the UK to own it - as long as you are over 18. The parts are then carefully re-assembled and its shipped to us, ready to go. Now, one question that does come up from time to time is can it be reactivated? Could the rod be cut out, the cut welded up, a new bolt sourced, plus firing pin and ammo? Well if you did manage to do all that (and just don`t even think about it) the pressures created in the breach would cause the wleded breach and barrel to instantly rupture - blowing the gun up in your face and doing you a lot of damage - plus a serious section 5 firearms offence and spell in jail... So just enjoy the history, detail and stories these deactivated tell and keep collecting!
What happens to deactivated guns after brexit?
Mmm... let me look into my crystal ball... reality is that we just don`t know. Currently, all deactivated guns for sale within the EU must be deactivated to the latest EU specs (its fine to own an older deactivated gun, its only when you go to sell that you need to re-deactivate it). The million dollar question is that when we leave in March 2019 will we in the UK be able to sell the previous UK certed guns again? Fingers crossed - we`ll let you know when we know, looks like we might have to do another video on this one...
Another EU reg change due at the end of June for deactivated guns:
Yep, just as the dust settles over last years reg change the EU Technocrats are at it again with a revised set of regs for deactivated guns, which we all know arn`t needed and won`t make the world any safer. We are waiting to see the details of what the new deactivated guns regulations entail, but its never good - looks like pistols and bolt action rifles are in the firing line this time, and no, we still don`t have any clue as to whats happening after brexit...
Still no hard news on how Brexit will effect sales of Deactivated Guns in the UK, at the time of writing we can only sell EU certified deactivated guns within the EU but can sell old style UK certified deactivated guns if its shipped to a non EU member state... sounds like the UK post Brexit to me.... Will bring you more details when we have it - though we will be introducing as deactivated gun section for non-EU gun sales in the Spring, for sale as long as the deactivated gun is going to a non EU country.
Rumour has it new UK deactivated gun regulations are coming:
Nothing concrete as yet, but there are strong rumours of new UK specific deactivated guns regs being drafted as we speak, no idea whats in them but we believe we might see bolt action rifles cocking and dry firing again and maybe the same on light machine guns... fingers crossed, you can never be certain in the rumour mill of deactivated guns but we`ll keep everyone posted as we find out.
Deactivated Guns and replica/blank firing guns - whats the difference?
In answer to a lot of queries we get as to the differences between deactivated guns and replica/blank firing guns in the eyes of UK regulations there is quite a difference. Because a deactivated gun has been deactivated and certified by either the London or Birmingham proof house on behalf of the Home Office as no licence required as long as you are over 18 and in the privacy of your own home. Unlike deactivated guns, replicas and blank firers are covered by the VCR act from 2007 - as long as they are black it applies, two tone bright anyone can own - so you need to be a member of a re-enactment group or something like the Military Vehicle Trust so we know you have a legitment reason to make a purchase, whereas witha deactivated gun the certification is with the gun not the owner... not confusing at all...
All our Prices include VAT at 20% where required - but please note that deactivated guns are technically second hand items so VAT is not applied.
Our Cart uses Romancart Checkout - it has a high level of security built in to protect both, the user, and us, the recipient - please be careful to input your correct card registered address or it will reject every time.
We also accept cheque and bank transfers.
Online security is a must for any transaction - if you want to use Paypal then please give us a call on 07935 067654 or use the contact us button and we`ll get a Paypal Payment Request over to you - that way you can be sure your details will be safe and secure with the worlds biggest online provider - take no chances!
Terms & Conditions
Here at we try to get things right first time - but, being a bit crap sometimes, we do screw things up - if in any doubt please contact us - if we get a price wrong or are out of stock we will contact you immediately - many thanks.
Deactivated Gun deliveries: Please note - all our items will require an autherised signature on delivery.
We list details of our current stock by batch - due to our high turnover of the most popular models - so the images and descriptions fit that model, though there may be slight variations in stock grain/colour and metal condition - please bare in mind that some of the de-ac guns are almost 100 years old!
Deactivated Guns and the law: cannot sell deactivated guns to anyone under the age of 18. Though are not required to store this in a gun safe it is advised you store them in you dwelling, preferably in a locked cupboard. When transporting de-acs please keep them in out of site, preferably in a gun bag. Be sensible - don`t mount a .50 cal on the roof of your Jeep and take a drive - its fine on private land at shows but given the current climate please do not stress our Police any more than they currently are!
Looking to sell a Deactivated gun or a collection of de-acs? Please contact us by clicking here for a good deal! - The deactivated gun you want at the price you NEED!