British Martini Henry rifles and Sniders - obsolete calibre rifles used by the British Army during the mid to late 1800`s

Most recognised as the Zulu`s rifle used by the chaps at Roarkes Drift (shortlever Mk2`s at that time though forced the upgrade to the longlever mk4 due to ruptured casings). Firing a belter of a .577 bullet, single load from the top each time, they were great for the time (in comparison with equivilent Sniders and muskets) but still loud and smokey. These are all Obsolete Calibre - that is, they have full working actions and barrels, but you can no longer get the ammo so no license is required to own one.

Choose your Martini Henry from the following selection:

British Martini Henry mk2 shortlever:

British Martini Henry mk2 shortlever, excellent example:

Here`s a great looking mk2 Martini Henry .577 British made and proof marked, excellent condition, good metalwork, excellent woodowrk plus a very good bore to the barrel. Unmarked so would have been private Officers peurchase, full working action, Obsolete calibre, no licence required.

Martin Henry mk2, Officers purchase, very good example:


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British Martini Henry mk2, 1878 dated, British Military marked:

British Martini Henry mk2 shortlever 1878, live, obsolete calibre, no license required:

Now here`s a tidy looking original Martini Henry mk2, 1878 dated, British made and WD War Department marked with really nice and period characterfull woodwork and good metalwork, full working action, no license required.

British 1878 Martini Henry, obsolete calibre, no license required:


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British Martini Henry mk2 shortlever, 1875 Enfield:

Martini Henry shortlever mk2, 1875 dated Enfield made:

Nice period Martini Henry mk2, 1875 dated made by Enfield - condition is good throughout though it shows its history - plenty of marks/bruises and butt roundall markings. The cleaning rod is snapped and stuck in place but ttas the only bad thing, obsolete calibre .577 with full working action.

Martin Henry mk2 shortlever with sling, 1874 Enfield:


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British Martini Henry carbine, 1877 LSA - regimentally marked, live, obsolete calibre:

British Martini Henry shortlever carbine, 1877 LSA, 45th Light Infantry:

Now this is pretty awesome - an LSA (London Small Arms made mk2 shortlever carbine, 1877 dated with excellent regimental markings from what looks like the 45th Light Infantry - very rare to get such clear details on a butt disk but definatly original to the gun. Condition is excellent throughout - armourers vut to the breach as you often see on Carbines, no Nepalese markings. Live, obsolete calibre, no license required.

British Martini Henry shortlever carbine, LSA 1877 mk2, 45th Light Infantry marked - super rare detail:


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British Martini Henry carbine, ex RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) live, obsolete calibre:

British Martini Henry shortlever carbine, RUC marked, obsolete calibre with period sling:

Here`s a British shortlever Martini Henry carbine - once the Army was done with it, re-issued to the RUC (Yoyal Ulster Constabulary) for keeping the peace in Ireland - perhaps by shooting at Irishmen... condition is period correct and unrestored, live, obsolete calibre but with the small armourers cut to the breach we often see on these plus it comes with a period leather sling. Live, obsolete calibre, no license required.

British Martini Henry shortlever carbine ex RUC with sling:


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British mk2 Martini Henry shortlever, 1878/1900 .303 conversion British Army:

Martini Henry mk2 shortlever by Enfield, 1878 /1900 dated, British Army .303 conversion:

Now this is a rare beast - an 1878 Martini Henry mk2 shortlever Enfield, converted to .303 in 1900, but not to be confused with a lot of re-barreled .303`s, this is a real deal heavy .303 barrel British Army convertion - just check out the offside breach plate markings, just superb and very rare! Very Good overall condition, comes with sling and correct deactivation certification.

Martini Henry Shortlever, mk2 Enfield, British army .303 army convertion :


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Deactivated Greener 12 bore shotgun:

Deactivated Greener 12 bore shotgun:

Some of you out there may be familiar with Greener 12 gauge shotguns - Greener originaly adapted Martini Henry rifles and re-barreled them for 12 bore and they proved really popular with armies and law enforcement accross the world - and a lot of riot control in dubious countries... this one is a later production version in excellent condition, lever works but does not cock and comes with correct deactivation certificate.

Deactivated Greener 12 bore lever action shotgun:


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British Brunswick Rifle, rifled barrel:

British Brunswick with rifled barrel:

The Brunswick was the percussion cap version of the more well known Baker Rifle (think Sharps Rifles) and has the same super heavy rifled barrel as the Baker, same woodwork as well, but has a percussion lock fitted instead of flintlock. All original fittings, British army marked but no regimental marks, obsolete calibre so live but no license required.

Obsolete Calibre Brunswick with rifled barrel and leather sling:


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British Snider .577, 2 band sargeants:

British Snider 2 band Sargeants carbine, British army marked - obsolete calibre:

Heres a rare British 2 band (slightly shorter, often referred to as the Sargeants Carbine) with great woodwork and metalwork as can be seen, a really nice British example with no Nepalise markings - undated lockplate with plenty of British WD marks. The action is strong, bore is good. Cocks and dry fires and has its cleaning rod.

British Enfield Snider - obsolete calibre - Sargeants Carbine:


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British 3 band Tower Musket:

British 3 band Tower Musket:

Just love this rifle - a full length British 3 band Tower Musket, undated but with a really crisp 1861 dated British armoury roundall stamp on the butt, really nice woodowrk and very good period worn metalwork, British army marked marked but has lost its rear sight and looks like a replacement first barrel band but comes with original sling leather sling. Obsolete calibre so no licsence is required to own this rifle.

British 3 band Tower Musket - great example:


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British Martini Henry carbine, 1888 dated British army .303 convertion:

British Martini Henry shortlever carbine, British army .303 convertion:

Here`s a great looking original 1888 dated British shortlever carbine, rebarreled by the British armt at the turn or the century - just check out the markings - deactivated, cocks and dry fires and comes with correct certification.

British 1888 Martini Henry shortlever carbine .303 convertion, cocks and dry fires:



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British Martini Henry Shortlever Artilery carbine with saw-back sword bayonet:

British 1888 dated Martini Henry Artilery Carbine with mega rare saw-back sword bayonet:

Blimey, that bayonet is almost as big as the darned carbine! Only made for the Artilery Carbines, the saw-back bayonet is a joy on its own and worth serious money, but it came with an excellent 1888 dated British Martini Henry Artilery Carbine (complete with its also rare and specific to the Artliery Carbine cleaning rod), oddly, it doesnt` feel too crazy to shoulder with the bayonet fitted. 1888 dated and in fine condition. Full working action, obsolete calibre, it does have the saw cut accross the breach we often see when released by the army. No license required.

Martin Henry shortlever artilery carbine complete with cleaning rod and saw-back bayonet:



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British Martini Henry 1874 mk2 Enfield:

British Martini Henry Enfield 1874 mk2 shortlever with sling and sword bayonet:

Here`s a fine example of an Enfield made 1874 dated mk2 shortlever, excellent woodowrk, very good original meatalwork, comes complete with sling and the rarer sword bayonet. Live, full working action, onsolete calibre, no license required.

British Mk2 1874 shortlever Martini Henry with all the kit:



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We list details of our current stock by batch - due to our high turnover of the most popular models - so the images and descriptions fit that model, though there may be slight variations in stock grain/colour and metal condition - please bare in mind that some of the de-ac guns are almost 100 years old!

Deactivated Guns and the law: cannot sell deactivated guns to anyone under the age of 18. Though are not required to store this in a gun safe it is advised you store them in you dwelling, preferably in a locked cupboard. When transporting de-acs please keep them in out of site, preferably in a gun bag. Be sensible - don`t mount a .50 cal on the roof of your Jeep and take a drive - its fine on private land at shows but given the current climate please do not stress our Police any more than they currently are!

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