Replica WW2 German MG34:

Aged Replica MG34 complete with inerts:

Blimey, with prices of deactivated MG34`s at almost £5k its great to see this aged WW2 Mg34 replica. Its been aged nicely - the wood looks like wood rather than something orange, the top cover now opens and close`s and its been marked with CRA manurfacture, matching numbers and dated 1940 - just how you want it, plus it cocks and dry fires as well and comes with 20 belted rounds of inerts ammo.

Replica MG34, nicely aged, belt of inerts, top cover opens, cocks and dry fires:


In Stock ***VCR****

Please contact us by clicking here to discuss your requirements or call us on 07935 067654.

Due to the VCR act we will require proof of your need of this item - membership no., re-enactment group details, theatre/play details - that sort of thing - if in doubt please contact us by clicking here to discuss your requirements or call us on 07935 067654.

Replica Guns and the law:

Before you buy a replica gun, has to do its duty and remind you of the VCR act and replica weapons:

Aside from early Western replica guns which are not covered, the VCR (Violent Crime Reduction Act) bill limited the supply of Replica Guns to the public. cannot sell these to just anyone - only people who can prove the need to have one can be supplied - club members, re-enactors, military vehicle owners etc. who are over 18 are fine to purchase these replica guns - all we ask is that when purchasing please send us via e-mail or post a copy of your registration card or letter of membership.

For example, if you are a member of the MVT (military Vehicle Trust - ) then in the eyes of the law it is acceptable that you may want to have a Garand on show with your Rio - we just need the a copy of the card or membership letter - easy!

Shipping is for UK mainland - for Europe please contact us by clicking for further details or questions about this item Please contact us by clicking or call 07935 067654.

All our Prices include VAT at 20% where required - but please note that deactivated guns are technically second hand items so VAT is not applied.

Our Cart uses Romancart Checkout - it has a high level of security built in to protect both, the user, and us, the recipient - please be careful to input your correct card registered address or it will reject every time.
We also accept cheque and bank transfers.
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Online security is a must for any transaction - if you want to use Paypal then please give us a call on 07935 067654 or use the contact us button and we`ll get a Paypal Payment Request over to you - that way you can be sure your details will be safe and secure with the worlds biggest online provider - take no chances!
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Terms & Conditions

Here at we try to get things right first time - but, being a bit crap sometimes, we do screw things up - if in any doubt please contact us - if we get a price wrong or are out of stock we will contact you immediately - many thanks.

Please note - all our items will require an authorised signature on delivery.

We list details of our current stock by batch - due to our high turnover of the most popular models - so the images and descriptions fit that model, though there may be slight variations in stock grain/colour and metal condition - please bare in mind that some of the de-ac guns are almost 100 years old!

Deactivated Guns and the law: cannot sell deactivated guns to anyone under the age of 18. Though are not required to store this in a gun safe it is advised you store them in you dwelling, preferably in a locked cupboard. When transporting de-acs please keep them in out of site, preferably in a gun bag. Be sensible - don`t mount a .50 cal on the roof of your Jeep and take a drive - its fine on private land at shows but given the current climate please do not stress our Police any more than they currently are!

Looking to sell a Deactivated gun or a collection of de-acs? Please contact us by clicking here for a good deal! - The deactivated gun you want at the price you NEED!